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Customer Trust

Building Customer Trust in Your Business - How?

August 08, 20244 min read

Every business owner has heard that it is more affordable to keep existing customers than to try to get new ones. But how to get them to stay? In today’s competitive market, customer trust is one of the most valuable assets a business can cultivate. It drives customer loyalty and positive word of mouth, two aspects that are essential for your success. Consequently, the side effects of a lack of customer trust will ultimately negatively impact your revenue and online reputation. However, building and maintaining trust requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. But luckily, there are various strategies that you as a business can implement.

1. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

The cornerstone of customer trust is exceptional service. In one of our previous articles, we've discussed the importance of quality customer service and how that can have a staggering effect on your business, but this is also essential for customer trust. They need to feel valued and heard. This means addressing their needs promptly and effectively. To achieve this level of customer service though, your staff needs to be attentive, empathetic, and knowledgeable. A positive customer service experience can turn a one-time buyer into a loyal advocate for your brand. Customers expect consistent experiences each time they interact with your business. It is human nature to trust someone more when they are stable, consistent and reliable by always coming through on their word. Ensure that your service quality is consistent across all touchpoints, whether in-store, online, or over the phone to make sure that they feel like they can rely on you.

2. Maintain Transparency Consumers

value authenticity, and with this comes transparency which can only be achieved through open and honest communication about your business practices, product origins, pricing, and policies. If there are issues or delays, communicate them clearly and promptly. Customers appreciate honesty and are more likely to forgive mistakes if they are kept in the loop and when they know where they stand with your business. The way consumers are treated is a reflection of who your business is, and if they aren't treated honestly and professionally, they will have no reason to trust your business. If you're a product-oriented business, transparency is especially important in the product information. You'll need to include specifications, ingredients, and any potential drawbacks. Transparent information helps customers make informed decisions and fosters a sense of trust.

3. Collect and Showcase Customer Reviews

What better way to advocate for your business than your customers? Customers trust fellow customers who share their experiences that they've had when encountering your business, so positive reviews take you a long way. Therefore, it is so important to encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback from real customers serves as powerful social proof that can influence potential buyers.

Negative reviews are just so effective, even more, if they aren't addressed or kept to a minimum. So don’t shy away from them! They're not as scary as you think; they just need to be addressed professionally and constructively. Show that you are committed to resolving issues and improving your services. This not only appeases the dissatisfied customer but also demonstrates to others that you care about customer satisfaction.

4. Ensure Quality and Consistency

There is nothing more sad than getting disappointed by a bad-quality product that you were so excited about. Therefore businesses need to consistently deliver high-quality products or services. To achieve this, quality assurance processes should be in place to meet customer expectations. A single bad experience can damage trust, so it’s essential to maintain high standards. Consumers believe what you communicate to them about yourself. Maintain a consistent and quality brand image across all platforms. From your website to your social media profiles, consistency in branding builds recognition and trust. Ensure that your messaging, visuals, and tone of voice align with your brand values.

5. Protect Customer Data

Customers want to know that when they do business with you, their personal information will be protected. In an era where data breaches happen frequently, and hackers are getting smarter, protecting customer information is paramount. They will be put at ease if they know you take their data protection seriously and invest in robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data. Inform your customers about the steps you take to protect their privacy and they are more likely to trust you with their data.


Building customer trust is a multifaceted process that requires dedication, transparency, and consistent effort. The five tips discussed in this article are only the start; there is so much more you can do to build customer trust! In the long run, this trust will translate into customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and sustainable business growth. Don't misjudge this essential building block in your business success.

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Just like your wedding photos, your Google Business Profile deserves to be professionally staged to showcase who you are, build credibility, attract customers, and outrank in local searches.

The FAQ's our previous clients asked.

Who is Pocket Business?

Pocket Business serves as the Swiss Army Knife for your business operations, offering a comprehensive solution with seven essential tools that are easily accessible from your pocket. Imagine having all the resources necessary to shift from self-employment to business ownership, conveniently available on a mobile app while you're away from the office. This empowers you to take control and manage both daily tasks and long-term goals effectively.

Here are the seven tools you get with Pocket Business that will act as a game-changer for your business:

1. Enhancing Operational Efficiency: By utilising integrated tools such as CRM and pipeline management, Pocket Business simplifies your workflows. This enables you to reduce time spent on manual tasks and focus more on strategic growth, leading to improved operational efficiency and reduced errors.

2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Providing a sophisticated platform to oversee all customer interactions, this tool guarantees effective nurturing and management of each client. This enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, which are crucial for sustained success.

3. Scalability: Pocket Business expands alongside your enterprise as it grows. It offers adaptable solutions that manage rising complexity without requiring significant extra resources. This scalability guarantees that you can expand your business with confidence and effectiveness.

4. Accessibility and Control: With the Pocket Business mobile app, you have the power to manage your business from anywhere, giving you immediate control. This level of accessibility is essential for maintaining authority and making well-informed decisions while on the move.

5. Peace of Mind: There’s a unique comfort that comes with knowing your business operations are smoothly managed. Pocket Business embodies this reassuring feeling, allowing you to peacefully drift back to sleep at 3 a.m., knowing that it will support your business the following day.

6. Value-Centric Strategy: At Pocket Business, we put value at the centre of our operations. We're committed to helping our clients grow by focusing on what truly matters: their success. By supporting business owners to understand and meet customer needs effectively, we ensure that your business thrives and contributes to the growth of others.

7. Client Success and Partnership: We work tirelessly to provide the tools and insights needed for substantial success. Pocket Business is about creating lasting value that helps our clients grow. We believe in a partnership that moves beyond transactions to transformations.

Pocket Business is more than just a tool; it's your companion in reshaping success and attaining the harmony every business owner aspires to. It helps you transition your business from its current state to your desired destination, making sure you are prepared for whatever comes next.

FAQ image

Why join Pocket Business?

Joining Pocket Business means gaining access to advanced tools that streamline reputation management. Our services help businesses attract more reviews, manage feedback more efficiently, and ultimately enhance their public image and credibility.

Can I start with a trial?

Absolutely! We offer a no-obligation trial that allows you to explore our features and see the benefits for yourself without any initial investment. This way, you can be confident in the value we provide before committing to a subscription.

Does Pocket Business work with any business?

Pocket Business is versatile and designed to support a wide array of businesses, particularly those where the owner is deeply involved in day-to-day operations. This includes service-based industries, small to medium enterprises, and sectors requiring robust client engagement and management. While Pocket Business can be beneficial across various industries, its tools and solutions are especially advantageous for:

- Businesses looking to manage customer relations and enhance online presence.

- Service providers such as healthcare, real estate, legal, and consulting services aiming to streamline operations and improve client communication.

- Hospitality businesses including restaurants and hotels that benefit from reputation management and customer feedback.

However, it may not be as suitable for very early-stage startups or hobbyists who might not have the structure in place to fully leverage its advanced marketing and CRM capabilities, or businesses in immediate financial distress needing crisis management rather than growth support.

Are there any long-term contracts?

No, there are no long-term contracts required. Our services are provided on a month-to-month basis, giving you the flexibility to opt-out at any time if your needs change.

Is it a "one-size-fits-all" solution, or can it be customised according to my needs?

There are standard solutions to choose from, but we believe that your solution must be fit for your purpose. You will have a better understanding of what you need after the free trial.

Is it affordable?

Yes, our services are designed to be cost-effective, with plans starting as low as $297 (R1,790 VAT exclusive) per month. We aim to provide high value at competitive prices, ensuring businesses of all sizes can benefit from our expertise, customised to serve your objectives best.

What is Reputation Management?

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the strategic practice of influencing and maintaining a positive public perception of a brand, company, or individual across digital platforms. Reputation Management involves strategies and actions to monitor, influence, and improve the public perception of your business online. This includes managing online reviews, responding to customer feedback, and using digital content to shape your brand's reputation positively.

Here are the key aspects and benefits of an effective ORM strategy:

1. Trust and Credibility: A strong online reputation fosters trust and credibility, essential for attracting and retaining customers. Positive online content, reviews, and testimonials significantly enhance a brand's reliability in the eyes of the public.

2. Influencing Consumer Behaviour: Online reviews and reputation play a crucial role in shaping purchasing decisions. A robust online presence can sway consumers towards choosing your services or products over the competition.

3. Driving Business Growth: A positive reputation not only draws in new customers but also opens doors to new partnerships and business opportunities. Positive feedback and endorsements can be powerful magnets for potential business engagements.

4. Crisis Management and Negative Feedback Mitigation: Effective ORM includes handling negative feedback and misinformation swiftly to prevent potential damage to your online presence. This proactive approach ensures you maintain control over your public image.

5. Enhanced Brand Value: Consistently positive online interactions enrich your brand’s value and set you apart from competitors. This can deepen customer loyalty and elevate your brand's market standing.

6. Search Engine Optimisation: Active reputation management can improve your visibility on search engines. Positive mentions and reviews boost SEO, making your business more discoverable to potential customers.

7. Handling Public Relations: ORM equips businesses to manage crises effectively, minimising reputational damage during challenging times. Timely, transparent responses can safeguard and even enhance your reputation during crises.

8. Building Positive Relationships: Engaging with online audiences cultivates lasting relationships. Regular interaction, addressing concerns, and sharing valuable content can turn customers into advocates and foster a supportive community around your brand.

ORM is indispensable for any entity aiming to sustain a commendable online presence. It not only protects against potential risks but also amplifies visibility, credibility, and ultimately, business success.

Does my business need Reputation Management?

If your business interacts with customers online, reputation management is essential. It helps protect and enhance your brand image, ensures positive engagements with customers, and can significantly impact your sales and customer loyalty.

How does the AI-supported Review Management work?

Our AI-supported Review Management uses advanced algorithms to automatically request reviews, monitor responses, and generate appropriate replies to both positive and negative feedback. This technology ensures timely and professional interactions with your customers, enhancing your brand's reliability and trustworthiness.

How soon can I see results from using Pocket Business Reputation Management?

Most clients begin to see noticeable improvements in their online presence and customer feedback soon. As your reputation grows positively, so does the impact on your business’s success.

What businesses can benefit most from online reviews?

Firstly, you have to take service delivery serious and really commit to delivering an outstanding service. If you do so, you will benefit from getting good reviews, but here are some businesses that cannot be without it:

Restaurants, Hotels, Local Retail Stores, Online Retailers, Healthcare Providers (such as optomotrists, private practices, and dentists),

Real Estate Agencies, Automotive Services (such as dealerships and repair shops), Legal Practices, Fitness Centers and Gyms, Spas and Salons, Educational Institutions (such as private schools and tutoring services), Home Service Providers (like plumbers, electricians, and cleaners, HVAC, home automation, construction, maintenance), Event Planning Services, Travel Agencies, Pet Services (such as grooming and boarding), IT and Tech Support Services, Consulting Firms.

Who is reading reviews?

  1. 98% of consumers read online reviews about local businesses. (Bright Local.)

  2. 78% of consumers use the Internet to learn about local businesses more than once a week. (Bright Local.)

  1. 88% of online shoppers read at least three reviews before making a purchase. (

  2. 54% of these online shoppers will read reviews for every item they buy (

  3. 6% of shoppers say positive reviews have the greatest influence on their online purchases. (

  4. Review interaction has increased by 50% from pre-pandemic levels. (Review trackers)

How do online reviews impact businesses?

  1. Businesses that receive more reviews earn 54% more revenue than the average. (Search Engine Land.)

  2. 62% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after seeing photos and videos of other customers. (Emarketer)

  3. 56% of customers say a company's response to a review influenced their opinion of the company positively.

  4. 94% of customers say they have avoided a business because of negative feedback. (Review trackers)

  5. Businesses risk losing up to 22% of customers if just one negative article appears when searching for a product. (Moz)

How do online reviews impact consumers?

  1. 81% of consumers now use Google to evaluate nearby businesses, up from 63% previously. (Bright Local.)

  2. In 2021, 77% of consumers 'always' or 'regularly' read reviews when searching for a local business. (Bright Local.)

  3. Only 3% of consumers said they would consider doing business with a company that has an average star rating of two or fewer. (Bright Local.)

  4. 83% of customers believe reviews must be relevant and recent in order to be considered trustworthy. (Podium)

Why should you respond to customer reviews?

  1. 45% of customers say they are more likely to visit a business that responds to negative feedback. (Review trackers)

  2. 56% of customers say a company's response to a review has influenced their opinion of the company (Podium).

  3. 57% of consumers say they are 'not very' or 'not at all' likely to use a company that does not respond to customer reviews. (Bright Local.)

  4. Failure to respond to reviews increases customer churn (customers ceasing to purchase from or visit the business) by up to 15%. (Chatmeter)

  5. 53% of customers expect businesses to respond to their online reviews within 7 days. (Review trackers)

  6. 41% of consumers believe that brands that respond to reviews demonstrate a genuine concern for their customers. (Bazaarvoice)

  7. 62% of consumers refuse to support brands that engage in review censorship, highlighting the detrimental impact of censorship on consumer loyalty.

Which is the best online review platform?

  1. Google remains the most popular review website. (Review trackers)

  2. Six out of ten consumers now look for reviews on Google before contacting a business. (Review trackers)

  3. According to studies, Google accounts for nearly 60% of online reviews, and reviewers are more likely to leave reviews on Google than elsewhere. (Review trackers)

  4. With Google dominating the review market, today's consumers are more likely to search for local businesses, learn about them, and pay them a visit without leaving Google. It will be more important than ever for businesses to understand how this works and to monitor their local Google search and rating.

  5. According to a recent ReviewTrackers analysis, only four websites account for 88% of all online reviews, with Google accounting for 73% of these.

Hear what our happy clients have to say:


Christiaan Jansen


Christiaan Jansen

Their approach to systemising processes and managing clients is excellent. I've only touched the surface of their offering and am already super excited to see where this will take my business!


Renita Gevers


Renita Gevers

Pocket-Business is a business with heart. Helping people, especially woman to get their business out there, with kindness, competence, support and understanding suited to your own personal needs. I can highly recommend to use Hanlie and her team. You won’t regret it.


Hanri Chambers


Hanri Chambers

Joe and Liezl are amazing. They help us to set up the CRM and the functions work great. They were very accommodating when we mentioned we only use certain features after our demo trail and we are beyond excited to use MyPocket Business further.

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